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Re: Indian Pacific hits freight train - Who's the Responsible Investigating body?

>HEAR HEAR Dave!!!!!!
>Its very easy to make broad statements.

So eay it is!!!

>Some people who for whatever reason seem to have a chip on their shoulder
>about NRC.

Prehaps, i'd like to stay alive.

>Maybe they missed out on job sellection? Many did!!!

Didn't apply, didn't want to, didn't like the way that it was setup!

>Maybe they lost their jobs due to NRC taking over their work in 1993-4?


>Or maybe its just sour grapes???

For what?

>But NRC sure has it detracters,  I personally have no time for NRC
>management, I think they lack moral integrity, they were and still are loose
>with the truth when it come to their employees, most of all I think they are
>incompetent, they have no idea where they want the company to go, changing
>direction almost weekly, closing depots only to reopen them (Brokenhill),
>making 50+ drivers redundant, only to start recruiting within 5 months,
>senior management expects infact have got blood out of a stone at the
>expence of their employees.

Prehaps this is what I'm talking about, Management getting their blood
out of the stone.

>Having said all this, I will not stand by and see the professional Enginemen
>employeed by NRC attacked by people who for their own reasons have an axe to
>grind with NRC.

Are you one? are they that professional that when they come to an
unattended staff station, they don't know how to work their train
thrugh it?

>These guys in NRC are the same blokes who 4 and 5 years ago worked along
>side many of the people who are attacking them now, they haven't changed,
>they still eat, sleep and breath the same air, they have just changed the
>colour of their uniform and their employer.

So they may be, now working under a different set of conditions, which
they aggreed to accept.

>No matter what the group of workers, there will always be the ones who break
>the rules, take short cuts, just get off NRC's back and grow up.

Getting a bit testy here aren't we!