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Re: QR and photographers

In article <37A63A36.60D79CC4@efs.mq.edu.au>, Eddie Oliver
<eoliver@efs.mq.edu.au> wrote:

> The question which remains to be resolved is whether QR have any legal
> right to stop people taking simple photographs or using simple hand-held
> video cameras. Surely that is a question of fact which would be resolved
> by someone simply asking QR Head Office what their view of the matter
> is;

Tell you what, I'll do the experiment.  I'm coming up to Brisbane in 2
weeks and travelling on the tilt, I'll be taking a photo of it before I
leave most likely, so I'll whip out the camera, no tripod, take a snap or
two and see if I get carted off to Boggo road.  I will post the results of
this scientific research upon my return or when I get parole.  :-)

Stuart Thyer
Photographer-Department of Anatomy
University of Melbourne

The best mistakes are the ones you learn from.
The worst mistakes are the ones you make again.