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Broadmeadows Line (VIC)

G'Day all,
              My Broadmeadows (BMS) line website now features a complete
timetable covering every train (empty - suburban - country - occasional
freight etc.), for everyday!  It took a while but with a bit of help from
Chris Gordon, I eventually got there.  (all are up to date - valid from July
4 1999)

The address is: http://home.primus.com.au/457/hurste/bmsl/timetabl.htm

    I would now like to issue a challenge to all of you to also document the
timetables for your local line, so that train watchers may access the times
for all trains in Victoria, what a thing to behold!  It doesn't have to be
incredibly accurate or complete, any regular service times can only help.
So read away and I hope I may have encoraged some of you to do the same.


Steven Hurst
Melbourne, Australia
Visit my Broadmeadows Railway Line Website...