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Re: Broadmeadows Line (VIC)


Well being a resident of the Broadmeadows line myself i can't exactly do
that :-) I could however try and obtain times for the other line near me
(Albion-Jacana loop). I did from last July's NSP have an excel
spreadsheet with all the times tabled for "The Bridge" based on
estimations from Jacana Loop (broad guage) and Tullamarine Loop (Standard
Guage). I am assuming that Decembers NSP is well out of date now (apart
from not having any standard guage times) so that would be rather useless
at this stage. 


Steven Hurst scribbled something with a chicken feather on 3/08/1999 in

>G'Day all,
>              My Broadmeadows (BMS) line website now features a complete
>timetable covering every train (empty - suburban - country - occasional
>freight etc.), for everyday!  It took a while but with a bit of help
>from Chris Gordon, I eventually got there.  (all are up to date - valid
>from July 4 1999)
>The address is: http://home.primus.com.au/457/hurste/bmsl/timetabl.htm
>    I would now like to issue a challenge to all of you to also document
>    the 
>timetables for your local line, so that train watchers may access the
>times for all trains in Victoria, what a thing to behold!  It doesn't
>have to be incredibly accurate or complete, any regular service times
>can only help. So read away and I hope I may have encoraged some of you
>to do the same. 
>Steven Hurst
>Melbourne, Australia
>Visit my Broadmeadows Railway Line Website...