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Re: Quite Intresting. A Hitachi with it's rear aerial thing retracted?!?

On Sun, 18 Apr 1999, Johann Fan wrote:

> On the Comengs, its usually every second light. When some comengs cross
> tram/train crossings, half the lights go out when the panto crosses the
> intersection then the other half when the other panto crosses the
> intersection. How do they wire these lights up, two sets of wires connected
> separately to each panto??? =)

AFAIK the "half lights" are back up lights.  The panto doesn't pick
up enough current from the overhead to run everything, so the lights are
the first things to go off.  "Half lights" are also sometimes caused a
faulty alernator/current distributer/whatever on the train.
On the spark to Warragul last year, nearly the way from Pakenham to
Warragul was done with "half lights" on.  - The overhead was so shitty out


Gareth Lumsden, s9763278@minyos.its.rmit.edu.au
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