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Re: 2 car K sets

The accident occurred on a Saturday evening.... there was single line
working on the bank and the freighter was standing at Cowan waiting a path..
in those days the electric used to terminate at Cowan... R1 was an eight car
set that night.... and 2 cars were demolished..

For the poster who wondering why there were 10 cars built... one

Robert Harris wrote in message <364CC874.2CA15D1B@fastlink.com.au>...
>David Proctor wrote:
>> >10 of these cars but 2 were destroyed in the Cowan accident many years
>> >along with the driver.
>> There were originally EIGHT of these cars - four 2-car sets - numbered
>> C3501-04 and D4096-99. During the manufacturing of the second series of
>> is now the 'K' sets, the last set - C3550 and T4216 - was fitted with
>> air-conditioning when built - ALL are still in service. Are you referring
>> the accident involving 3801 Ltd? This was a 'V' set.
>> Consider yourself corrected.
>> David "The Doctor" Proctor
>> daproc.spambait@umpires.com
>There was a 2 car set in an accident at Cowan and the set was destroyed.
This is
>not the 3801 accident. I am not sure if it was a 2 car K set or an L set.
(Yes I
>am using the current numbering.)
>I have been consulting with numerous drivers and all are in agreement that
>were 10 cars built and now only 8 cars left.
>I will go and ask some one in fleet ops / management (or whatever they call
>themselves this week) for the correct details.