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Further stuff on high speed trains

Hi all

There has recently been some discussion about high speed trains and the
Melbourne to Adelaide route.

Some people felt that high speed services between capital cities could
not be competitive. (I'd disagree with this for reasons previously

I had an afterthought though which I though worth mentioning. One
service which is currently offered and might be offered also on high
speed trains is that of Motorail.
Provided the price was not prohibitive I think people would be genuinely
tempted by the idea of putting the car on the train.

Consider this. A plane can't take your car at a competitive price nor
can a coach. So let's say I am driving to Adelaide for the weekend.
Which would be preferable - to drive for 8 or so hours (plus stops) or
simply load myself and my car on the train and be there in 3-4 hours on
a new high speed service.

Even more so for Melbourne to Sydney. I can't stomach the 11-12 hour
drive there. If I coudl just laod my car and myself on the train and be
there in 4-5 hours I'd certainly use the service. I am sure there are
considerable numbers of people with the money who woudl prefer to go on
a high speed train if they knew they could take their car with them.

I think this is a very strong argument for a high speed train service
(not to mention the lives it would save re sleepy drivers running into

cheers Peter