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Re: More on the maglev

On Tue, 28 Jul 1998 01:40:52 +1000, David Johnson
<trainman@ozemail.com.au> wrote:

>Daniel Gerrard wrote:
>> >Consider an elderly passenger who is slow getting to his/her seat. Are
>> >they going to hold the train until everybody is seated? What would that do
>> >for their timings?
>> It works on planes, and they would be the main form of competition.
>But you need to be ready to board 20 minutes prior to the flight taking off.
>This does not happen with rail.  Usually you get people arriving just after the
>train is due to leave, who then abuse any staff for allowing the train to leave
>without them.

Unless, of course, you are travelling on the Eurostar, when checking
in 20 minutes before departure is a requirement.

John Dennis                         jdennis@acslink.net.au
Melbourne                                  denjo02@cai.com
Australia                   Home of the Dutton Bay Tramway
DBT URL:       http://www.acslink.net.au/~jdennis/dbt.html