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Re: Bridgeworks Dynon Road

> Trucks striking the beams as they are now (on an angle) tend to tip
> sideways, dropping their load (container) on to whatever is beside
> them. This has resulted in at least one death in the past year or so.
> With the new beams at right angles it is believed that more of the
> impact will be taken by the load, and any following traffic may have
> time to get out of the way.
> Cheers
> Krel
> All's well that ends.

Many years ago, I was part of a crew on a 'Y' stationary on top of the
bridge when a high truck hit it. It passed under the bridge, then the load
tipped towards the footpath. It stopped just short of two people on the
side of the road repairing a flat on a motor bike. These two stopped and
looked for a whole three or four seconds, then continued on with the

