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Re: Tumut Line

Maurie Daly (mauried@commslab.gov.au) wrote:
> In article <75ite1$5ph$13@news.mel.aone.net.au> dbromage@fang.omni.com.au (David Bromage) writes:
> >From: dbromage@fang.omni.com.au (David Bromage)
> >Subject: Re: Tumut Line
> >Date: 20 Dec 1998 13:17:53 GMT

> >There is supposedly government money for line restoration available to
> >viable tenders under the RAC plan of several months ago. The ownders of
> >the new pulp and paper mill are also apparently keen.

> >Surely it's worth the cost if it keeps trucks off the road.

> But it wont, unless the State Govt pays the total cost of re -opening the line 

The company building the mill is reportedly willing to put up some of the
money. The whole project is costing hundreds of millions of dollars, so
they're not exactly short of cash.
