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Re: Olympic Loop

*It may be called a loop, but it is not a circle. The only way the trains
could come go around again would be to go around Lidcombe, Sefton Park
Junction, Chullora Jnct or Vice versa.

Derek Woodlands wrote in message <34adc980.7682338@news.magna.com.au>...
>On 31 Dec 1997 02:02:11 GMT, "Adam Joyce" <NoSpam_adamj@senet.com.au>
>took time out from wrapping gaffer tape around gerbils and wrote:
>> Let's hope I have this right. The train pulls into the platform and the
>> doors on one side open to let the Olympic-bound passengers out. Once the
>> train is empty the guard has those doors closed and the doors on the
>> opposite side opened to let city-bound passengers board. Correct?
>My understanding is that both sets of doors will be opened at once for
>the passengers to disembark.  When empty, the train would head around
>the loop, stop again at the other platform to pick up passengers.
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