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Re: CityRail Problems 5/12

On Sat, 06 Dec 1997 07:47:52 GMT, ajwright@ozemail.com.au (Ashley
Wright) wrote:

>On Sat, 06 Dec 1997 03:51:49 +1100, David Johnson
><trainman@ozemail.com.au> wrote:
>>At 05:30 hours on Friday, the rear pantograph on an 8 car tangara damaged the overhead
>>between Como bridge and Mortdale.  Busses replaced trains between Sutherland and
>>Hurstville, but due to the many road closures from the bushfires, the busses were very
>>badly delayed.  Single line working was introduced over the down main line to get some
>>South Coast trains through.  Trains seem to have started running normally around 10:00.


It wasn't a Tangara set.   I managed to catch a South Coast service
from Sutherland at 0715 which departed around 0730, stopping asll
stations to Hurstville.   There WAS an eight car Tangara stopped on
the up track partly on como bridge with its pantos down, but no
obvious damage.   On arrival at Mortdale, there as wan 8-car S set in
the up plastform, with the back panto tied down.   Surprisingly, we
did not cross back to the up line here, but continued through to
