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Re: Monachist TVMs

One only has to look at the way that they conduct themselves at soccer
matches and other sporting fixtures.
Didn`t the Royals cut peoples heads off?
After all isn`t that the reason behind the forming of the CofE church so
that could hide behind it and justify their murderous acts.
"Tom C" <tom.clifton@REMOVEvirgin.net> wrote in message
> On Thu, 18 Jan 2001 00:03:53 +1100, "iyb" <iyb@dingoblue.net.au>
> wrote:
> >Maybe you need a history lesson on how hateful the poms are.
> How hateful the poms are??  If you were to  come to  London or any
> other big city  over here, you'd see that we're one of the most
> tolerant societies there is. It's true there's some racial disharmony
> (as there is everywhere) but, considering the number of different
> ethnic groups living here, life remains pretty much trouble-free from
> that point of view. Look at all the East European (and other)
> "refugees" we house and feed. Thousands arrive every month, and nearly
> all get looked after at the taxpayer's expense. We're a bloody soft
> touch.
> >I am I can assure not in the least bit racist.
> Then why label poms as hateful? It's like us saying Irishmen are thick
> (I know they're not).
> >However,these people sent good citizens ,their own citizens for a life of
> >banishment for doing nothing more than try to feed their families.
> Weren't some of them murderers and rapists? And didn't these very
> people help found your wonderful country.
> >I suppose the article in the SMH about the poms hiding the facts about
> >cow disease and exporting and not telling anybody the very feed linked to
> >that disease are wrong and racists as well,oh thats right they can say
> >do what they like.
> That's nothing to do with being poms (or any other race). It's exactly
> the sort of thing big business does the world over. I don't suppose
> the story of the Belgian scandal involving toxic mineral oil being put
> into mayonnaise sent all over Europe ever reached your shores?
> >I am sorry that I do not want to have anything to do with such a class
> >driven deceitful race such as them.
> Get out of the dark ages. The only people who are are particularly
> interested in class are extremist from the working and upper classes
> (what remains of them). Most of us are just out to  earn a crust, and
> that's pretty difficult these days.
> >And for the record I am Irish decent
> Decent Irish, or Irish descent?
> > and look at how they starved them
> Wasn't the famine caused by the Irish reliance on just one crop,
> namely potatoes, and the subsequent  decimation of that crop  by
> potato blight?
> >how many died as a result of those actions.
> What you ought to do, mate, is to judge people as you find them and
> not make  sweeping generalizations. I  thought everyone got a fair go
> in Aus?? It's a shame because I think Australia's a great place, and
> everyone I've met there has been really friendly. How would *you*
> respond to a pom you meet in the street? Kick his head in?
> Anyway, all of this has nothing to do with railways.
> Tom (the Pom)
> W Sussex, UK