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Re: Arrogant Australian Egroups

Chris Gordon <cmgord@VICSIG.alphalink.com.au> wrote in article

>>> I am disgusted at the seemingly endlessly growing list of private
>>> egroups that totally disregard your application, without even
>>> bothering to find out who you are.
>> They are private groups. Nobody has the right to join them. They have
>> been developed by people sick of the flame wars in Usenet who wish to
>> discuss the topics which interest them without being abused for doing
>> so.

>They are (as someone put it to me) "the snob mob", people who only come
>out to photograph trains when the sun is shinning.

Sounds about right. I have noticed increasingly lately there are a number 
of "gunzels" that fit that category - overly secretive, and not willing to 
help the average railfan out - and moreso pissed off when your average 
railfan does find out information they don't want them to know (special 
workings, and such).


(To email me just remove ".spam" off my email address).

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