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Re: RTM 19th Century Treasures

"Michael Kurkowski" <usenet.spam@gunzel.net> wrote in message
> wizzer1865@NOSPAMoptusnet.com.au (Michael Wierzbinski) wrote in
> <3a095be6$0$19405$7f31c96c@news01.syd.optusnet.com.au>:
> >Considering how long the NSWRTM has been around they have a lot of
> >equipment that will probably never see the light of day. They seem to
> >collect items with no plan for restoration just to prevent others
> >getting them who may be able to do something worthwhile with it.
> Sure you haven't got things confused for Dorrigo? (-:
 No, not at all. I had a friend who was very high up in RTM and "left" read
dismissed, because he didn't agree with their policy of acquiring items for
no reason. When he queried it he was told it was the 3 monkeys policy. An in
joke for a long time was that if anyone was looking for a particular piece
of rollingstock it was probably with RTM :-)