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Re: Why Wooden Sleepers are better. Was [NSW] CityRail Delays Friday

<chris@enet21.com.au> wrote in message
> so, timber sleepers are more environmental friendly than concrete?
> the impact from extracting limesand from a beach and dredging sand from a
> choked river is lesser than chopping down a whole forest which causes land
> erosion which in turn washes down into the rivers choking them and
> affecting water quality. Gravel is taken from extinct volcanoes (prospect
> quarry etc.) not to mention a concrete sleeper would last at least twice
> long than a timber one. Imagine the uproar if they used timber sleepers on
> the proposed line to Darwin or the VFT, I really doubt if that many could
> be produced.
The Darwin line goes through termite country, timber isn't an option. Steel
sleepers are another alternative in that country :-)

John Wayman