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Re: (NSW) City Circle Indicator Boards etc

In article <ZKJ25.17754$N4.666597@ozemail.com.au>,
  "trendy rechauffé" <trendy_rechauffe@start.com.au> wrote:
> At night time, the indicators should read 2 cars instead of 4 as the
> usually have a couple of cars blacked out.
> That would help stop passengers from spreading out along the platform,
> slowing down boarding.

No it wouldn't.  The majority of passengers travelling at that time of
night are inherently stupid.  They will stand as far away from the
Nightsafe area as possible.  They do not listen to announcements.  They
do not read signs.  They do not care.  Go and stand at Kings Cross on
any night and see for yourself that 80% of the passengers are standing
at the opposite end of the station to the Nightsafe area.

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