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Re: [Melb] Swanston Trams Crash

I'm no engineer so I dont pretend to understand the complexities of what sort of
condition the W's are in - but I can say for sure that if passenger comfort is
any sort of criteria the Z1s and Z2s MUST be pensioned off well before the W's.  

If there is a question of safety, then we have to look at how much as a society
we value the ride qualities and the cultural value of the W's.  The continued
safe and reliable high speed operation of Adelaide's H class trams (built 1929)
seems to illustrate that it can be done if you want it enough.

Evad Rehtona wrote:
> I do agree though that those ancient Ws should be retired. The new
> articulated trams being bought by Swanston and Yarra should first be
> used to pension off the Ws before any Zs are replaced.
> David McLoughlin
> Auckland New Zealand