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Re: Hehe It got better!!

> Yes it does. No it isn't a double standard as that would be for the
> good of everyone, not for your inflated pockets. I thought to get a pay
> rise you had to show that your work duties had increased not your food
> bill.
    Everyone knows if you want a pay rise you go to the Boss and ask him
very nicely to give you one!
In this Liberal environement [which for the last 50 years has existed, no
matter which Party the PM belongs to, Upper House and all that] No Employee
has ever been given a decent wage because he "asked for it"  Strong Unions
have recieved pay rises and weak unions have not. Unionless people scream
and rant because they are jealous and poorly paid, and thats there own
    I own a couple of things, a House, some furnishings a motor vehicle, and
a few bob in the Bank, but the most important thing I own is my labour and
my qualifications. If  I want to sell any of these items I am the only one
that can decide their value! No doubt you would agree that I have a right to
name the price for my House, so why would you argue I have not got the right
to negotiate the value of my labours, when the Agreements come up for
renewal, and to withhold my labour, should the Boss not want to negotiate.
     I cannot have anything but contempt for some helpless idiot that would
rather destroy the people that have some protection from the Liberal
philosophy, when it would be much better to join a union and improve their
own, and their family's lot, just like we do. The biggest problem ordinary
working people face today is an Industrial Policy that uses Millions of
Dollars of scarce Government Monies to use propaganda to turn people into
union bashers, and then encourages people to work as strike breakers at much
lower wages and conditions. This only benefits the Big Multi Nationals, who
increase their profits and send tens of millions of dollars out of this
Country. The scabs have to work in lousy conditions, and barely earn enough
to enjoy the great life we have here in Australia. Would any of you like to
work like a corporate slave, as they do in Japan? Well that's what our
bosses lust over here in Australia. That's why Reith is out to destroy the
Unions. We are the only obstacle to his plans.
Get a life mate!