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Re: "lost" trains (Contains offensive language)

> *snip*

> Now at the risk of getting really rude here I think
> that some of you should shut the fuck up and stop vilifying the
> poor bastard. You don't know what the exact circumstances were
> because you weren't there in the Cab with him.

You risked it, and you got really rude!

You are correct, none of us were there, none of us, even those who have read
the report front to back and back to front know what happened.

SO after being offended by your rudeness, I expect to never see the words "I
believe", "I think", "I assume" or any other words that may indicate that
YOU are not fully aware of circumstance in any post of yours in the future.

Does that sound reasonable John, or will you allow us to get on debating,
understanding and learning by the method of "free speech" used in this
newsgroup, without resorting to obscenities and offending others in the

> Trains fail all the time and signals fail all the time. There are
> a lot of people who think that there is more to the whole 3801
> incident than was reported in the Inquiry. My opinion
> is that the official finding that Sand isolated the train from
> the track circuit is somewhat convenient for the SRA as it was
> at the time. In the end the same as with Glenbrook it was the
> Infrastructure failed and this led to a set of events that resulted
> in a collision.  In both cases the drivers of the Inter Urbans were
> just trying to do their job and get the train to its destination
> in a timely manner.
> --
> Pope
> Alias   John MacCallum
> remove MY from MYlisp to get the real email address.


Tony Gatt.


  Never be afraid to try something new.
  Remember, amateurs built the ark.
  Professionals built the Titanic.

Personal Website: http://homepages.tig.com.au/~baulko/
Railway Website:   http://www.railpage.org.au/railpix/