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Re: [NSW] Pippita

I would be happy to answer some questions on Pippita.
I worked in the meat sidings just on the western corner of Pippita.
Almost opposite Carriage sheds.
I was the Carriage builder there for 2-5 years on and off.
I worked with an examiner he did the brakes etc. and I did body repairs.
Also worked at Sales Yards, Flemington Yard and Flemington Carriage sheds.
Pippita had a large cleaning area to clean out meat wagons and refig..
containers at the end.
There was a large boiler there also, may have been a steam engine boiler.
It was used to steam clean the Meat carriages.
The Boiler was behind a wall and you could not see much.
Pippita Station was almost opposite Dairy Farmers so align yourself
with Dairy Farmers and you will be close.
The Pippita triangle was used by most  to turn carriages diesels and anything
else that needed turning.
Pippita was at the head of the sales yard balloon loop with over head
wires going right around the loop.
I seen many 46 class pulling larger trains in and out of sales yards.
I still have photos somewhere.
I had a feeling they used the loop to hold trains until things quieted down.
Sales Yards were an interesting  place also. I had to repair the stock cars there.
There were signs of a many abandoned sidings in sales yards then.
With the development there now, it's all gone forever.
I hope I have answered your questions.
Hubert Lam wrote:

> A few questions about this little known station on the access line to Olympic Park
> 1. What was this station used for?
> For workers to go to work. There were quite a few factorys there then.

> 2. Is it actually easily spotted if we travel to Olympic Park by train? (I couldnt' see it!)

I should imagine there would be no sign of the station now.
It was a very simple structure.

> 3. How many trains actually went to Pippita when it was still on the CityRail network map a few
> years back?

Just morning and afternoon service I caught it sometimes.
It got me there with about 2 minutes to spare. Not that it mattered anyway.
There were no bosses there, you had to ring the Foreman at Central
station that you were there. I also worked at Central Station and all it's
storage sheds. Also at the other storage areas around the place.
Cheers for now.
Steve Chapman