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Re: Another hint to scrap Metcard?

Michael Kurkowski wrote in message

>Hate to burst ya bubble Dave, but I agree with "deano" here. I've seen it
>for myself, i.e. so many people passing through the gates with concession
>tickets. Next time you are in Melbourne (perhaps THEN you may be qualified
>to discount what "deano" says, after seeing the truth), stand at the
>barriers at Flinders Street, or Spencer Street, or any city station, and
>count the amount of people going through, and at the same time, count how
>many yellow lights are flashing as the people pass through. You might be

Not disputing the system is abused, just that you cannot judge that someone
is not entitled to a concession purely by their appearance.

Just on this, I have seen the light go on for my tickets, which are full
fare. Should this happen?
