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Re: Programming languages (Was Grade Conversions)

On Tue, 26 Oct 1999 12:10:11 GMT, Michael Kurkowski
<mk@netstra.com.au> wrote:

>There are still some people out there, a frighteningly huge amount of 
>people actually, who believe that the whole internet is NT, and microsoft 
>own the internet. Just ask most MCSE's ;-)
>Personally, i wouldn't touch an MCSE with a bargepole. A frighteningly huge 
>amount of them seem to be in it for the money, when they should have been a 
>taxi driver or something that matches their intellect.

Funny you should say that.  The taxi-driver I used regularly to get me
to and from the airport is now an MCSE.  Admittedly he did work very
hard, but I do find your comment ironic.

Cheers...JD - The best COBOL programmer I ever knew :-)