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Re: John Laws unto himself [was Re: NSW country rail lines upgrade]

Arthur Marsh <marsh@ties.itu.ch> wrote:
> I'm glad that John Laws' [income supplemented] favouritism of the
> trucking industry came out into the open.

There never was any secret as far as I recall about
Laws being a truckie advocate.  He has been doing that
for years.
> Mind you, rail could still use some more positive PR - like Australian
> National's 1992 publication for children "The Train Spotters" which
> presented rail safety information in an entirely positive light.

Right on there, it would not take too much for the rail
industry to put together booklets and web info for the
younger generations.  The kids sure cop plenty of other
so called "public issues" wrapped up in political
correctness from special interest and minority groups.

----Terry Burton
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