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Passenger train luxuries, conveniences, inconveniences and comforts and human stupidity [Was: Re: Screens savers on message boards?]


Leg room wasn't really a problem with me. The only nitpick I do have
about it, and it's only a minor one, the bottom part of the seat feels
like it's leaning forward a little bit, the very thing that i hate about
the seats on the hitachis. The rest of the seat really makes up for it
though. Lets swap the seats on your G's for the seats on our Hitachis eh?

As for people not knowing how to use a door, make them learn. Leave the
doors closed until they are clued up enough to open them using the
button. Surely it can't be that hard can it? It's not like using a
computer, is it? Some people, you mention the word "computer" and their
brain shuts down, they start drooling and muttering "need internet, have
right not to learn anything". 

Maybe you Sydney people have been spoiled too much for a while, come down
to Melbourne for a while, you don't even have a button to press to open
the door. Travel a Hitachi and you almost need to be a bodybuilder to
open some of them doors! 

Travel any train with a "DOOR NOT IN USE" sticker, and you're always sure
to get people trying to use it anyway, despite the sticker at eye level,
and in most instances at least three of them. One morning on the way to
the office, i deliberately sat within easy looking distance of one of
these doors. At *every* station someone tried to use it (except for
essendon, the platform was on the wrong side). Some were muttering as if
to say "why is this door so damned hard to open, why is it so hard to
think that the sticker in front of me may mean something?" 

To add salt to the wound however, people will become more stupid before
they become smarter. Flinders Street being a perfect example. The
destination of the train is on the monitors, on the airport flipper
boards in the concourse (well now it's stairs/escalators), and the
destination 99% of the time is on the desto up front of the train. At
lease once a week I get very clever people coming up to me and asking
where this train is going. These days I answer with, "it's up there on
the monitor" and point to the monitor". 

What are things going to be like in 10 years time? I shudder to think.

WhaleOilBeefHooked said on 02-Oct-1999 in

>G set? Surely you jest!!!!!!!!! With the underseat mechanism required
>for the reversible seating, there is stuff all legroom, and because
>CityRail did not bother educating passengers to use the door opening
>buttons (hence the doors open at EVERY station) the air-conditioning is
>not overly effective (applies to T sets as well).