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nettiqutte, thy mistress cruel [was : a whole lotta stuff]

Harland Sanders wrote:

> r.kearey@mailbox.uq.edu.au (Rob Kearey) wrote in
> <38335519.59A5FE58@mailbox.uq.edu.au>:

> >You don't edit your text, either.

> >http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/ietf/rfc/rfc1855.txt
> The same RFC which contains

>   "If you should find yourself in a disagreement with one person,
>    make your responses to each other via mail rather than continue to
>    send messages to the list or the group.  If you are debating a
>    point on which the group might have some interest, you may
>    summarize for them later."

Read the last sentence. Poor editing is becoming endemic as more and
more people start using usenet sans clue as to the proper ettiquette
thereof. Fight the good fight, man!

>   "Don't wander off-topic, don't ramble and don't send mail or post
>    messages solely to point out other people's error typing or spelling."

The topic has well and truly veered off the relative planet, granted.

>   "Send mail when an answer to a question is for one person only.
>    Remember that News has global distribution and the whole world
>    probably is NOT interested in a personal response."

Oh, the irony.

There's a certain train of thought which says that tolerating crapulence
serves as defacto encouragment. Evil thrives because good men do nothing
and etcetera, to wildly misuse a metaphor.

> hey Rob? 8-)

Emoticons. Grrrrr. :P

> In what possible way was *your* post relevent to aus.rail?

RFC 1855 is worth the trouble of readvertising.

That URL again:


> Harland (also guilty of ignoring RFC1855 like Rob Kearey and millions
> others) Sanders.


Robert Kearey                   Remote Access Group
ITS                             University of Queensland
Sentence fragment               I don't speak for my employer
"This message double-encrypted with ROT-13 for your protection"