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Re: Brisbane Easter Timetables

In article <3701c367.0@news.bris.corplink.com.au>,
  "MattyQ" <matticue@corplink.com.au> wrote:
> jdennis@acslink.net.au wrote in message <7drrau$ift$1@nnrp1.dejanews.com>...
> >A further question: how do I go about purchasing tickets?  Presumably there
> >are ATMs, what restrictions are placed on their use: do they take notes,
> give
> >change, etc.
> All stations are equipped with ticket vending machines that only take coins
> and
> will issue up to $20 change (unfortunately in $2 coins!!!). Indooroopilly is
> usually open on Saturdays but I'm not sure if it will be this Saturday.

Thanks for the information, but I now confused.  Obviously these machines
accept the larger denomination coins normally designed for collectors.	Why
else would a vending machine only take coins, but issue $20 in change?	If
they issue such a large amount of change, surely they take notes ... if they
only take coins, why so much change?  Am I missing something?


John Dennis
Home of the Dutton Bay Tramway

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