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Re: GEs for Victoria?

< Tell > wrote in message <36eed829.2192903@news.ozemail.com.au>...

>One other factor which had a very negative effect on
>EMD sales was the fact that General Motors put the
>division up for sale.
>They eventually changed their minds and sales have
>steadily improved from an all time low.
>----Terry Burton
>Alice Springs NT

Tez - that's not the way I read the article in TRAINS on EMD's 75th
birthday, featuring the new 265H 6000hp 4-stroker. Sales had dropped, GM had
retreated loco build to GMD London Ontario, then put the whole shebang on
the market. Of course, confidence (and sales) fell further and when no-one
wanted the orphan, GM re-adopted it and put some effort into it.