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Re: GEs for Victoria?

>How come no Union Rod.?  Did Kelty from the ACTU
>encourage "amalgamation".?
>It was a Federal LABOR government who commissioned the
>Hillmer report, which put so many railway and power
>industry Australians out of work.
>It was a State LABOR government which had the Lou Yang
>power station sold off before it was commissioned.
>But I guess Kennett and Howard will get the blame.
>----Terry Burton
>Alice Springs NT
Any worker who fails to support their only choice of a Political Party is a
traitor to his own kind!
No matter how many mistakes Labour makes, they are still our party, and
probably will make less mistakes if we all help out!
Howard and Kennett and their like sell high taxation for the workers [the
only ones who pay tax in this country anyway]
Howard and Kennett and there like sell high unemployment! It ensures LOW
Howard and Kennett and there like sell high profits for multi-nationals [it
guarantees Directorships after Politics and lovely big (Swiz) bank accounts!

What has Howard done for you Tell?
up there in the Alice, you of all people should see the waste, and it has
not changed no matter who is in Power!
No body ever said that Labour had it all right....but think about one
thing...Where is all the money being borrowed from now?   read about all the
oil money [Arab] going into England and Europe and weep!
Whitlam and Conner were using the same money that Howard is now to BUY BACK
our resources for a few Billion dollars, and the Liberals stopped it...Good
to have mates if your name is Packer or Murdoch....
but Burton or Young ....no I dont think so!