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Re: [AUS] Radio forum on public transport

JohnO wrote:
> Unbelievable...You've obviously not been to Melbourne lately
>    Drive to a Rail way station?!? Then get a train...oh yeah, i'll leave my
> car unprotected
>    in an unsecured 'open' car park, then pay more money to ride a filthy,
> urine reeking,
>    leeking train into the CBD, where I am crammed in like a sardine... Then
> stuggle
>    to work from the Station...
>    You then want me to repeat this process at the end of the day?!?.. I used
> to get public
>    transport to work and back and I have vowed NEVER AGAIN!... I'll drive my
> car to
>    work and pay for parking in a secured car park thank you...
>    Train station car parks are amoungst the number one places to steal cars,
> just ask
>    poor old Forg who lost his RS Liberty at a Rail station...
>    Let's not mention the safety issues with public transport, no guards on
> trains, no-one
>    manning rail stations, no toilets at railway stations, needles left by
> druggies... absolutely
>    disgusting.
>    Public transport is unsafe, unreliable, croweded, expensive and
> increasingly
>    irrelevent to most people.
You get what you pay for. In Perth we have fast, clean modern air
conditioned suburban trains, a choice of secure or unsecured parking at
most major suburban stations, security guards with special constable
status and camera surveillance on trains and stations and they take
about half the time to go from point to point as a car on the "freeway".
The trains also have facilities for the disabled including wheelchair
access, visual and audio announcement of each station stop, etc.

If the people of Melbourne demanded modern facilities, they'd get them.