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Re: The stupidity of passengers.

>	If only I could.
>	I started checking out this NG because I thought,
>	by it's nature, it might include those in the industry
>	who could communicate and had a vision for their
>	future beyond the pub on payday.
Don't give up. There really are some sensible people in the rail
industry. Not all of us hate people just because they look or act
differently to us. It is a shame that the attitudes that you mention
still prevail, especially (it seems) in passenger carrying services.



>	Instead I find a bunch of passenger hating racists
>	who just want to engage in mutual masturbation about
>	how superior to passengers, 'lebs' and kids they
>	are.
>	But this has been an education to me.
>	I thought the rail system was run so badly
>	because the *management* are jerks ...
>							- michael
>> rgds
>Michael Strutt                          Title: Analyst/Programmer
>Applications                            Phone: 9950-1844
>Information Technology Bureau             Fax: 
>TAFE NSW, Australia                  Internet: MICHAEL.STRUTT@tafensw.edu.au

Just another eccentric crank.