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Re: Attention: PAUL HOGAN

Hi Tom,

suggest you join ARHS and subscribe to our magazines. Most of that
data is available from those sources. You have to read the articles in
the magazines and pick out the data you want. It will take research
skills but will usually give accurate results. 

There are many ARHS web sites available at Rail Page Australia

If you are working for a potential rail operator, surely they have
checked with the track authorities to determine crossing loop lengths
and rail gradient profiles to determine loads possible??   Timetables
are also determined by checking with the track authorities; Timetables
for freight operations during passenger peak periods are usually filed
in the "funny basket" ie you sit in a siding watching the evening
passengers go past!! Another funny timetable situation is in western
Victoria where the big shot rail interstaters go real slow on poor
track as the government has given the money to the road transport
lobby instead!

Suggest a read of back copies of the ARHS mags. Buy a few! Also an
extremely enjoyable pastime!!

Peter Cokley

On Sun, 10 Jan 1999 08:10:00 +1030, Tom Faint <tfaint@camtech.net.au>

>No, I am not a consultant working for road (although I did work for
>Railex about 9 years ago).
>I did (until about 18 months ago) work for Australian National and
>acquired some skill in cost modelling rail networks, hence these
>questions, as I am building a model to estimate rail costs for a
>potential rail operator.
>Tom Faint
>The info I need is as follows: (Any help would be appreciated)
>Trailing Tonnes: around 6,000 gross (containers) subject to length
>Average Train Speed: around 65kph (max 100kph)
>Wagons: flats and or well wagons
>Motive Power: assumed to be NR class (4020hp)
>Need to know for freight trains
>(1) horsepower requirements
>(2) length limitations
>(3) load limitations
>(4) fuel consumption
>(5) Indicative timetables
>(6) Rail distance Parkes to Sydney via Cootamundra
>for the following corridors:
>Brisbane to Sydney & Sydney to Brisbane
>Sydney to Melbourne & Melbourne to Sydney
>Sydney to Port Augusta (via B Hill & Cootamundra) & Port Augusta to
>Port Augusta to Perth & Perth to Port Augusta
>Melbourne to Adelaide & Adelaide to Melbourne
>Adelaide to Perth & Perth to Adelaide
>Adelaide to Alice Springs & Alice Springs to Adelaide