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Re: Crossing loop design (r.e. Southern Aurora crash)

>I would love to see a system that tells you before you get there what
>is required. For example at the distant/last auto indicate three
>aspects - 1. going straight through; 2. stop required at home arrival;
>3. stop required at home departure. I could then set my braking for
>the required location. Maybe 1. could be G/R; 2. could be Y/R and 3.
>could be pulsating Y/R. Similar to NSW practice whilst retaining the
>lower red light (Vics have a problem getting rid of this ;-)).

I agree, sounds reasonable to me - an amateur.  But, should there be a
difference in (3) if you are to be routed via the main line or the

John Dennis                         jdennis@acslink.net.au
Melbourne                                  denjo02@cai.com
Australia                   Home of the Dutton Bay Tramway
DBT URL:       http://www.acslink.net.au/~jdennis/dbt.html