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Re: Two Melbourne accidents

Jennifer Richmond <richmond@melbpc.org.au> wrote in message
>Reuben Farrelly wrote:
>> Errr....are you suggesting that if train services were better, we'd see
>> freight and cargo being hauled short distances around the city by
>> trains rather than trucks?
>> Reuben
>Sure, well remember the parcels sets that used to run around until the late
>if the metro-courier parcels services was properly marketed and more fright
>gates with rail access were opened, then much more freight could go by rail
>rather than road!

And then...after it has arrived at the railway station, it will be
transported by _____ to a factory/industrial area where it is destined?
(you fill in the gaps...and "bicycle" isn't a real answer!)

Personally I think the days of very short haul rail transport for freight
are long gone.  Rail can only reasonably compete with road on the basis that
it can haul cargo and huge quantities of goods for a long way at very low
cost.  (Rail being a very low friction means of movement is mainly why it
can do this).  For short distances, the cost of handling goods for unloading
and loading must far outweigh any savings made by energy efficiency.

The only possibility I see for short haul stuff is perhaps courier stuff
which needs to be transported quickly around the city.  Train travel is
certainly a lot quicker at peak traffic times than van or car :)

