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Re: nsw carriage codes

Brown Family wrote:

> On Tue, 21 Dec 1999 17:32:04 LOCAL, keithm@commslab.gov.au (Dave
> Malcolm) wrote:
> >>Some stainless steel sleepers were called "Roomettes" with the corridor
> >>winding along the car. The seat folded into a bed and there was a toilet
> >>and shower at each end. Any one know the code????
> >
> >LANs are roomettes with a curvy corridor.
> >
> LAN's are smaller WAN's (which connect by RAS to an ISP) using a NIC
> and RJ45 or BNC. I don't seem to recall them having curved corridors.
> I've never heard them called roomettes before, packets yes, but not
> roomettes. Has a LAN ever been directly coupled to a WAN?

Yes, but there were security problems.

David Johnson