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Re: Safeworking Rules.

In article <385C98CE.20A20B23@fastlink.com.au> "The Railway Rasputin." <bob@fastlink.com.au> writes:
>From: "The Railway Rasputin." <bob@fastlink.com.au>
>Subject: Re: Safeworking Rules.
>Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1999 19:35:26 +1100

>Maurie Daly wrote:
>> Given the level of debate recently regarding the effects and interpretation of
>> rules in relation to passing signals at stop,it occurred to me that all these
>> rules are rules for train drivers.
>> Are there equivalent sets of rules for signalmen and train controllers?
>> For example , before a signalman or train controller can authorise a train
>> driver to pass a signal at stop what rules must they comply with , if any.
>Yes there are but you don't want all of them do you?


No I dont want them all , but a sample might be useful.
For example are they worded in vague subjective terminology that means
differant things to differant people,or is there a list of defined procedures
hung un the wall of the signal box  which says something like

Before a proceed order may be issued to a driver to pass signal XXX at stop
the following procedures MUST be followed.

1/ If it is beleived that signal XXX has failed , a qualified fitter MUST 
examine the signal, interlocking equipment, motor points if any and
provide a written signed report confirming that the signal has failed.

You get the idea.