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Re: Lack of Railway Magazines in Newsagencies

Yes, this being something that disappointed me a lot when I was at "Sydney 
Terminal" last. I needed some XPT reading, but they had a selection of the 
wonderfully un-interesting English mags. I'm sure these mags are 
interesting for other people, but my railway interests don't leave the 
country, unless there is an EMD G8/G12/G16 involved :-)


>None of the Newslink outlets at Central (aka Sydney Terminal, but we're
>not allowed to call it Sydney Terminal any more... *chuckle*) have
>either Model Railroader or Railroad Model Craftsman, and only stock the
>Australian and British railway and rail modelling magazines. This is a
>major oversight given how many people must go through there who are
>railfans or railway modellers (not just railway staff, but passengers
>too) looking for interesting publications and only finding a very
>limited selection. 

Michael Kurkowski
Email: mk@netstra.com.au
Website: http://www.netstra.com.au/~mk
ICQ: 1459118
Telephone: 0416-044-124

What is the point of having quotes at the end of your .sig?