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Re: Marinus makes headlines again

On Thu, 26 Aug 1999 03:29:21 GMT, mauried@commslab.gov.au (Maurie
Daly) wrote, and I selectively quote:

>These lines were closed when FV bought the assets of VLF and its not 
>reasonable to now expect the Govt to pay to open them, otherwise the Govt 
>could have sold VLF for a higher price based on a promise to re-open new lines.

Sorry, Maurie, I beg to disagree.  In the case of Sale - Bairnsdale
and Cranbourne - Nyora the lines are NOT closed, only booked out, in
the case of Nyora line available for low speed running/rolling stock
transfers with 6 weeks' notice to VicTrack.

 RailAmerica's Claytor was talking about timber from Bairnsdale and
sand, super and dairy products from the Leongatha line long *before*
they were successful in the purchase of VLF.

The line to Hillside/Bairnsdale was used for log traffic up till only
a couple of years ago with a 15km/h limit over the Avon River and a
line limited to P class or lighter (and WCR's S300.....hmm wonder
why?).   This is *after* the two floods.

The last VLF Network Service Plan issued on 6.12.98 doesn't state any
restriction for the Nyora line.  

Other notes in the NSP include:

Goods Trains Operate as arranged by V/Line Freight
*  Sale - Bairnsdale
*  Ararat - Maryborough
*  Swan Hill - Piangil
*  Dunolly - Robinvale
*  Korong Vale - Kulwin
*  Echuca - Toolamba
*  Castlemaine - Maryborough
*  SG wheat lines

Line Section temporarily closed to all rail services until further
*  North Ballarat Junction - Ararat
*  Panitya - Pinnaroo

Services suspended till further notice:
*  Heywood - Mt Gambier (Note: line section temporarily closed 
    from 11.04.95 account Standard Gauge conversion of line 
    section Ararat - Heywood - Portland.


Yuri J Sos
Melbourne VIC AUS

Reply to: steam4me@enternet.com.au

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