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Re: Services on City Rail Interurbans

David Bennetts wrote:
> David Martin's recent proposal for an up-market Caves Express makes me
> wonder whether there would be a market for some limited catering on some
> existing Cityrail services, eg those to Newcastle.
> OK catering would introduce some problems like taking up some space, litter
> problems etc, but nothing which would be insurmountable.   If the Manly
> ferry service can provide catering on a half hour journey, it is a little
> uncivilised undertaking a train journey of up to two hours without any
> refreshments. When the South Steyne was in service years ago they even
> provided a cooked breakfast of bacon and eggs,  fine if the weather was kind
> at the Heads.   Maybe catering would only be viable on the morning and
> evening commuter runs, but I'm sure our ethnic friends would jump at the
> chance if given the opportunity to tender for a catering service on board.
> In Europe you will usually find catering on train journeys of an hour or
> more, even if there's a trolley service.  British commuters often have a
> full breakfast on board, despite the exorbitant prices charged.   V/line
> provide a trolley service for similar length journeys.
> I believe that some years ago budding entrepreneurs set up a trolley service
> on the Gosford commuter trains and were very well patronised until
> officialdom found out about them and kicked them off the trains.  It was
> always interesting to stop at Hawkesbury River and have the oyster sellers
> going the whole length of the train selling their product - the train would
> never leave until the oyster sellers finished their business - I always
> wondered what commercial arrangement, official or otherwise, was entered
> into to ensure that this prevailed.
> Would be interested to hear what others think!
> Regards
> David Bennetts
> Canberra

The setup of the trains would make it almost impossible to do.
With the trolley service how would you get it up and down steps?
With the buffet style, where woud you put it?
And how would you power it?
Plus the services are now packed as it is.
