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Re: Cars make more economic sense than transit: fact

In response to article <3793B079.B701AE9B@studentmail.newcastle.edu.au>,
from Leif <leif.hanlen@studentmail.newcastle.edu.au> :

Personal transportation is the way of the future. The freedom to go
where you want to go and when you want to go.

Public transportation in Australia is a joke because it's way too
expensive. And if you live in regional Australia, you're even further
discriminated against so you have to rely more and more on your car.

The whole idea of public transport was that it was meant to be not only
more efficient as far as pollution and infrastructure use (the road),
but also cheaper as well.

In Sydney you'll almost always be quicker from point A to point B in
your car than in the bus (unless it's peak hour, and the bus can zip
past masses of Military road traffic in its transit lane). And you'll
most probably use less petrol than the bus-fare.

Here in Cairns, my wife paid $2.70 for the bus ticket from Smithfield
to Palm Cove, 12km away. And the trip took 45 minutes!!!! Because
SunBus reduced services, even the express bus does all the little loops
in and around each of the three little beach suburbs, and the trip
takes forever. You'd have to be a complete idiot to take the bus, if
you can hop in your car, drive the 12km in less than 20 minutes, and
use less than $1 in petrol. Buying a car will save my wife $17 per week
in bus-fares after calculating in the cost of petrol, and will be able
to spend just over two and a half hours more with our kids, as she
won't have to sit there for 45 minutes each way going around in circles
watching the world go by, and people get on and off the bus. The car
saves time and money.

Public transport is for idiots. Smart people drive cars :

Had an appointment with a client the other week. His cute secretary who
popped in the door 15 minutes late 'because the bus was late' travels
all the way in from Palm Cove (where my wife works), to the City of
Cairns, around 20km or so. One and a half hours. What a joke. 35
minutes by car, 40 minutes if the traffic lights down Sheridan St have
been put out of sync, so that the copper down the road zaps more
speeding drivers with his laser radar with inbuilt camera.

Public transport is efficient and cost-effective for the operators and
shareholders of the operator, it's big business.
For the smart individual, public transport is a joke, it's inefficient
and being far from cost effective, more often than not, makes car
ownership, together with all its expenses, such as insurance,
registration and maintenance, and the associated freedom, a far more
attractive proposition.

The only places public transport has any place are as follows :
* Long distance travel (international, interstate) - ie: Rail, Air, Bus
* City transportation of the robots to their places of their 9-5 grind
  (ie: all these office workers who drive to and from work every day on
   the main arterials should be encouraged to take public transport and
   leave their car at home - it: take the bus or train -to achieve this
   the price of public transport should FALL rather than RISE. Our  so-
   called leaders fail to see this and use every opportunity to pass on
   increased transport and fuel costs to those who need it most).
* To jam them full of 'greenies', 'do-goodes' and 'anti-development
  activists', and drive them over the nearest cliff.


Juz my thoughts.
But did you know you can now call the UK for 15c/min ?
Check out the world's cheapest phonecalls (we hope!), in Australia, at

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