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Re: All-over advertising trams (Melb)

>B2.2100 is well overdue for a repaint, but contracts for B2 trams are
>fairly rare; The cost is over $15,000.

I was driving 2020 (Cadbury Tram) last night on Route 96 and thinking
that it has been the Cadbury Tram for well over 2 years (does anybody
know how long??)   It has been repainted Cabury colors at least three
times in that time (slightly differnet each time)

The other "B-Class" at Southbank depot (2069) has had several
different schemes in the same time (Telstra, Grand Prix...among
others) and is currently at Preston Depot as the Libra Tampon Tram.

Strange however that W's don't get full body ad's anymore...anybody
know why?