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Re: Tangara Set T84

In article <3640FA37.9ACE4D3B@fastlink.com.au>,
  Robert Harris <bob@fastlink.com.au> wrote:
> The main diffenence is that in a bus there is a person called a bus driver that
> can monitor what goes on. So unless we use any leftover olympic volunteers to
> monitor train carriages,
> seats will still get dirty. You can ban all foodstuffs but it won't solve a
> thing. The scum that mess up the trains with spilt beer hamburgers etc will just
> hide the stuff when boarding.

Yes, trains will get dirty, but that's why they ought to have provision for
proper carriage cleaning. I'm not sure whether it is a lack of resources for
cleaners, a lack of carriage availability or both, but the cleaning just
doesn't get done to an adequate extent. They could also look at replacing the
seat fabric a bit more often, some of the Tangara seats look like they
haven't been changed in ten years, which is at least five too many.

> rgds

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