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Re: Passenger Information Displays

In the message about  Passenger Informatio*****, from DJPENNA@ONE.NET.AU to ALL!, DJPENNA@ONE.NET.AU said:"

DD> I was relieved when the LED displays started popping up around Sydney.  They are
DD> definitely helpful - although they probably reduce fitness levels as they reduce the
DD> need to madly dash up and down platform ramps.

Isn't it interesting that Redfern, one of Sydney's largest and busiest
stations, still relies on the old metal painted pull down signs on the
platforms and the old wooden rotating block indicators on the concourse.
You'd think that Redfern would have been one with the highest priority.

Similarly for say, Platform 3 at Strathfield.



 * RM 1.31  * Albert! alberta@zip.com.au http://www.zip.com.au/~alberta/