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42106 & Northern Rivers Railroad

I am going to plead a little bit of ignorance in asking the following question,
and admit that I didn't read all the postings relating to this issue.  The last
posting that I fully read indicated that the unit was to be moved from Thirlmere
to Enfield for transfer to Casino, but that did not occur.  Can someone please
tell me precisely what has transpired since then, and where is the unit now
residing ??

On a related issue, with NRR now having all these 421-class units, as well as
the 49-class, is this an indication that they have received, or expect to
receive some additional contracts, or enter into further agreements with
FreightCorp ?
Also, there was talk at one stage in the recent past that FreightCorp was
looking at operating its own freight services north of Grafton to Acacia Ridge
etc, in opposition to National Rail, but I have seen no more on this issue
recently.  Does anyone know if there has been any progress in this regard, and
whether NRR plays any part in FreightCorp's plans, especially given the apparent
relationship between the two organizations ??

Readers might also be interested to know, if this information is not known,
that, despite the fact that NRR is based at Casino, its official head office /
registered office (call it what you will) appears to be located at Currumbin
Waters, on the Gold Coast.

David Donald,