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Re: Please explain Great Southern Railways

Mark Bau wrote:

<<wnership of the various Australian rail assets is now so complicated that
it would take a QC to sort it out. Suffice to say that GSR's job is simply
to provide the service.>>

To which Ben Staples replied:

<<Mate, you are having a really big wank.
You either own an asset or you don't own an asset.
That's not being too complicated is it????????>>

Sorry Ben but is much more complicated than that. Try having to deal with
the present ownership structure in NSW. I have been involved in efforts to
purchase various items for preservation. The number of times you can get
bounced between FreightCorp, State Rail, Rail Estate, Rail Access and back
again has to be experienced to be beleived. They have not managed to figure
out ho is supposed to own some pieces of real estate under the new system,
let alone some of the things on that real estate. There are also pieces of
rolling stock that nobody is sure who owns.

Trevor Edmonds