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Re: More - Re: Station announcements, Sydney

boofheadpaul@yahoo.com.au wrote:

> In article <912591419.946543@woody.hotkey.net.au>,
>   "Michael Walker" <walker@hotkey.net.au> wrote:
> > I support Eben on this one, using the PUBLIC phone on a station above PA
> > announcements is a pain, especially if they are unnecessary. Fortunately the
> > Melbourne automated ones only announce about 30 seconds before a train
> > arrives and at no other time. The Help point announcements on demand are
> > reasonably sensibly volumed, if anything they are a little quiet.
> So are you saying we should absolutely limit announcements to one 30 seconds
> before a train comes and keep it to a whisper level?  It is a train station,
> not  a phone box, so I see no reason why information should be culled JUST IN
> CASE someone is on the phone!  If someone is talking on the phone, we may
> miss the announcement altogether :)

Well, then why do they put phones there? Incase people need to use them. Try
standing at strathfield Platform three at the down end, there are two phones
there. Use one of them to tell someone what train you are going to be on and when
to pick you up and you have a 70% chance of being interupted.

The Worst station like for this would have to be Central. I was talking to someone
a mobile one day and the person on the other end heard what was said and cracked
up at it. I forget what it said but it was a funny announcement.

What if you worked somewhere and they had a volume level to great? you would
request them to turn it down, you don't have to put up with it but the general
public has to put up with shit from SRA. No wonder people don't like trains.

Well, the new help point at Glenroy can be heard at the end of the platform, not
halfway down the street, wich means it is a good volume, you don't have to
interupt a phone call because someone has used it.

Maybe Sydeny should get them also. They really are great.

> Some of the Melbourne automated ones (not the help points) are so damn quiet
> you miss them if a truck goes by.  And check out the announcements at
> Parliament - they are so loud that they vibrate the metal ceiling!
> --
> Paul McCabe
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Bye for now,



And one ring to rule ... err ... moderate them all!