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Re: Victorian Rail Summit.

Maurie Daly <mauried@tpg.com.au> wrote in article

> For a mere $2300 you will hear such people as 
> Peter Batchelor (Vic transport Minister)
> talk about 
> Fast Rail links.
> Airport Rail.. etc. etc. etc.

To whom is that two grand payable? Why would I want to pay to hear it if I
can pop down to the Dept of Infrastructure or look up relevant documents at
the State Library of Victoria or on the world wide web?

> Just about every subject under the sun relating to rail in Victoria is
> being talked about except one , namely the guage conversion project.
> Why does this not surprise me.

Too sensitive to commercial interests! Don't want to put the frighteners on
companies who you're trying to persuade to take on the burden of providing
rail services, don't you?

> If at the end of all this , you still have any dough left , then you
> can give it all to Peter Batchelor to invest on your behalf in these
> exciting new projects .

He already has his dough. It comes from this exciting, flexible monetary
source called "the taxpayer" who pays enough taxes without having to watch
public services be handed over to private entities.

> It seems these days that Govts cant do anything unless the private
> sector participates .

Welcome to the bold new era of "The Third Way" where so-called Labor
parties turn their backs on the solemn pledge printed on the back of every
ALP membership card, and where the government's credit rating and
popularity among financiers is more important than providing sound,
reliable services worked for the general benefit of the community by the
community through the apparatus of government!
