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Re: Conversion of a VR

I take it you dont like modifying heritage equipment?


"Michael" <usenet.spam@gunzel.net> wrote in message
> John Coyle <nospam@newsranger.com> wrote in article
> <uMFQ6.3240$rn5.182144@www.newsranger.com>:
> >Why not have dual gauge on the Victor Harbour line, if it is ever to be
> >converted to standard gauge? Then the Rx etc, can run for many more
> >years. In any case, as SA takes decades to do anything to improve the
> >rail system, "Steamranger" has little or nothing to worry about!
> Why NOT put the line UNDERGROUND, and with GLASS on TOP, and fill it with
> WATER. THAT way there WOULD be a CONSTANT WATER supply to keep the STEAM
> locomotives FILLED! We could THEN seal off the CABS with GLASS to PREVENT
> the drivers from BEING SOAKED. ATTACH helium FLOATS to the TRAIN so it
> DOESNT NEED rails anymore. Oh YEAH, give the TRAIN solar POWER. We could
> THEN attach some TGV VANS between 4 90 CLASS locmotives and a 20KM LONG
> coal TRAIN and run a FAN SPECIAL with it.
> Don't FORGET to have it PUBLISHED in Womans Weekly every DAY though...
> --
> (To email me just remove ".spam" off my email address).
> Whip me, Beat me, just don't Windows ME