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Re: Conversion of a VR

John Coyle <nospam@newsranger.com> wrote in article

>Why not have dual gauge on the Victor Harbour line, if it is ever to be
>converted to standard gauge? Then the Rx etc, can run for many more
>years. In any case, as SA takes decades to do anything to improve the
>rail system, "Steamranger" has little or nothing to worry about!

Why NOT put the line UNDERGROUND, and with GLASS on TOP, and fill it with 
WATER. THAT way there WOULD be a CONSTANT WATER supply to keep the STEAM 
locomotives FILLED! We could THEN seal off the CABS with GLASS to PREVENT 
the drivers from BEING SOAKED. ATTACH helium FLOATS to the TRAIN so it 
DOESNT NEED rails anymore. Oh YEAH, give the TRAIN solar POWER. We could 
THEN attach some TGV VANS between 4 90 CLASS locmotives and a 20KM LONG 
coal TRAIN and run a FAN SPECIAL with it. 

Don't FORGET to have it PUBLISHED in Womans Weekly every DAY though...

(To email me just remove ".spam" off my email address).

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