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Re: XPT's Reduced

"f.u.i.t.b.e.t" <fuitbet@yahoo.com.au> wrote in message
> Read the post,he said," it could be worked from temporary facilities".
> By the way does Dave taste goooood or just good?

Which could have been provided in the crew quarters in the PHA van.

btw, when I said the union put a ban on trolley service, I was actually
referring to the union saying no when they tried to introduce it to first
class. If they won't allow it from custom built facilities, they certainly
won't allow it from temporary facilities, no matter how much conversion went
into it.

What was it that someone said about you? Oh yeah.....

"Apparantly, it stands for Fuck yoU In The Bum Every Time, like his old one,
In Your Bum. He's an ex-FreightCorp Driver from Delec who went to NRC."

Work^H^H^H^Hemployed by NRC, say no more.
